View of the many areas where ancient Eygptians buried their dead

Early morning view of the Nile river and Luxor.

Setup for a program at the pyramids.

Thumbs up for the camel riders.

Headless camel, or so it appears

Getting ready for liftoff. Balloons are huge. Baskets hold 10-20 people.

Just the camels out in the desert.

A couple of our companion baloons.

Michael Wilcox - observing the landscape. He taught us many memorable lessons throughout the tour.

Lighting up the pre-dawn sky,

Fun camel ride

Farmlands along the Nile.

Local yacht.

Harvesting here hasn't changed in centuries.

Our balloon after landing in the farm field.

Sunset on the Nile.

Our last evening celebration on the Nile.

Hotel in Egypt on shores of the Dead Sea

Hotel lobby

View from the hotel tower looking East to the Dead Sea.

Immense structures Built 2000 B.C.

Fabricating, positioning, carving these must have been a massive project.

View of the moon from inside.

Huge obelisk made rrom a single stone.

Very patient camel.

Another view of an obelisk at night.

Multi-story shopping mall near our hotel in Cairo.